Monday, July 7, 2008

Horseshoe Spread

This spread using seven cards. This spread suitable for specific question. First, shuffle the card while focuses thinking about your question or the problem you want to ask then choose seven random cards.

  1. Past, this card describes about the past, source that influences your situations right now (present), this card picturing the trigger of your problem.
  2. Present, giving the picture what happen now. The card will explain about your situation now.
  3. Future, describe possibility event will come.
  4. Obstacles, Describe about your fear, your obstacles to get your goal, something that you should be aware.
  5. Outside influences, this card describe about your surrounding, people around you and affects that they gave to you.
  6. Hopes, this card giving you advice what should you do.
  7. Final outcome, Prediction in the future, if you considering to do or react according advise from the other card


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